Corporate News

Q4 2019 Release Notes

Q4 2019 has seen the introduction of new key functionality in the Intent HQ platform, enabling new ways of triggering data processing and the creation of customer profiles. For the first time, Intent HQ’s platform can execute scripts of python, as well as enable running pipelines exclusively for subsets (samples) of the entire dataset.

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Intent HQ included in recent Forrester report for Customer Analytics

Forrester Now Tech reports are widely recognised as a guide to business leaders looking to understand and evaluate technology solution landscapes. This report highlights how businesses can use customer analytics technologies to increase acquisition, drive retention and loyalty, and improve the customer experience. It offers insights on suppliers in three key segments and guidance on how best to approach strategy and selection.

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Customer Experience for Financial Services #CXC2017

We were at the Customer Experience Conference for Financial Services #CXC2017 this week where the focus was on design, relevance and GDPR. Kudos to the organisers for bringing together an interesting selection of speakers.

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Customer Intelligence Dashboard Release 2.0

This week saw the launch of the latest version of Intent HQ’s customer intelligence dashboard and insight tool. This launch marks a major milestone as clients now have access to a revolutionary new way to understand customer behaviour across billions of data points and to give business users and executives alike the capability to understand their customers as humans.

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6 tips to succeed in our coding interviews

Here at Intent HQ we deal with code on a daily basis (is there any software engineering team who doesn’t?). So, when we are about to hire somebody, her ability to write code is probably the skill we will take into account the most. That’s why we do have a coding interview in our process.

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For Those About To Code (We Salute You)

As programmers, a large portion of our job is to stay aware of, research, and assess new technologies in an industry that evolves at breakneck speed. Being continually bombarded with such information it can seem like an uphill struggle to process this information in a memorable fashion.

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What is good code? A scientific definition.

Here at Intent HQ we believe how important it is to write good code. Why? First, because writing good code is much cheaper and more fun than writing bad code. Second, because if you write good quality code chances are that the product you are building will be much better. Third, and more important, because writing good quality code is what we are supposed to do: after all, we are getting paid for doing our job well.

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