Customer Experience

The CX Ultimatum for Telcos and CSPs eBook

Telcos are at an inflection point. For years, they’ve faced mounting pressure from better-funded, more innovative tech competitors, and seen a return on investment, profits and market share slowly dwindle.

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Navigating CX for CSPs: a dialogue with Sheryl Kingstone

The Covid-19 pandemic was a driving force for businesses to innovate and pivot strategies. Telco and other service providers have long been viewed as utility companies by today’s consumers – customers might not necessarily love their service providers, but they do love the things they make possible. At the start of the global quarantine, service providers around the world were under immense pressure to deliver their services effectively to consumers.

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Telcos, it’s time to reconnect with your customers.

There aren’t many other industries staring down a future as uncertain as telcos. A stagnant growth and a global downturn on the horizon, Telcos are struggling to keep customers without having to resort to the obvious, giving more data and voice minutes for a cheaper price.

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IHQ Event: Practical AI applications for Customer Experience

Earlier this month, we invited Forrester Analyst, Brandon Purcell, to share his thoughts on practical AI applications in Customer Experience. The thought-provoking session included an interactive element; with Brandon inviting the audience to debunk certain AI myths.

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The Stickiest Brand in a Very Slippery World

Having worked in Marketing for over 25 years, much of it in relationship marketing and loyalty, I am not sure that many days have gone by where the words brand and sticky, or some synonym for sticky haven’t been mentioned in the same sentence, PowerPoint slide or plan on a page.

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The Great Competitive Paradox: Intent HQ hosts Think Tank for Telecoms CX Leaders

At IQPC’s recent CX Telecoms Exchange in London, Intent HQ hosted a Think Tank session tackling some of the key challenges faced by Telcos today. The packed-out session was led by our Chief Client Officer, Sharifah Amirah and our VP Global Sales, Dave Wardell. Delegates were challenged to assess how mature their organisation is in terms of Customer Intelligence. We discussed their organisation’s ‘readiness’ to support a Customer-First approach, and ability to win back customer wallet share from the FANG players.

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Your Customer Experience is crying out for a new fuel!

In today’s world, technology is moving at speed. Disruption is occurring so frequently across so many industries even the biggest businesses are concerned about survival. They are right to be worried. Just look at the Netflix example, they are a classic disruptor. They have come into a world of TV and movies and changed the game.

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Are you worried about Netflix eating your lunch?

Growth, levelling and decline are clearly observed across some of the major offerings as well as highlighting emerging players. As Netflix continues its global growth, many other providers of TV/Movie services are enabling their own on-demand capabilities.

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The 360° Customer View – Dispel the Myth!

Telco Customer Experience and Marketing teams are failing to make emotional connections with their customers. They are frustrated because they are unable to use all of their data to develop rich customer insights. To add to their frustration they see other companies using data in a more personalised and engaging way than they are – we call this the Great Competitive Paradox.

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