From Customer Insights to Human Understanding eBook
1 min. Read
Why Telcos Need Personalization to Survive
Telcos are at an inflection point. For years, they’ve faced mounting pressure from better-funded, more innovative tech competitors, and seen a return on investment, profits and market share slowly dwindle.
When the pandemic hit, that pressure increased again. Suddenly, telcos were at the center of our lives; for many, the only means to connect with the outside world. And while leading operators handled that admirably, the crisis threw the reality of changed customer expectations – and the need to accelerate digital transformation to address them – into stark relief.
In such a volatile economic environment, it’s time to think critically about how telcos re-engage customers and reclaim the market. McKinsey lists ‘approach to customer engagement’ and ‘ability to leverage data’ as 2 of its 5 focus areas for telcos. Building strong personalization strategies satisfies both.
What to expect from this eBook:
How telcos can use True Personalization as a powerful marketing tool
How to drive better campaign performance
How Intent HQ helped Verizon extract and make sense of its weblog data to gain a real human understanding of their customers
How to enable True Personalization at scale with the Intent HQ Platform
Instead of being a silent consumer of products and services, the customer is becoming the center of the business universe. Leading brands are listening to their customers and introducing the practice of hyper-personalization.
Telcos are at an inflection point. For years, they’ve faced mounting pressure from better-funded, more innovative tech competitors, and seen a return on investment, profits and market share slowly dwindle.
The surge of digitalization in Spain and beyond is reshaping consumer habits, with online shopping, entertainment, and even healthcare booming. Businesses must evolve, tapping into AI-powered analytics tools like Intent HQ’s to personalize offerings, engage via preferred channels, and stay ahead of emerging trends. Failing to adapt to the digitized customer risks falling behind in this rapidly changing landscape.