This is the dream: you put vast troves of data to work, accurately predicting each customer’s wants and desires, creating individually tailored marketing, sales, and service. You solve problems before they become problems. You operate like a nimble and personalised small business, but at massive scale. Your customers love you. Your competitors wither away.
Customers want true personalization when they interact with brands. That’s a fact backed up by a lot of research and real-world experience. But there’s a fine line between giving people what they need and overreaching to the point where your efforts become invasive or creepy.
Understanding and leveraging customer behavior is essential for businesses to acquire new customers in a modern, fast-paced and data-driven marketplace. By delving into the intricacies of how consumers interact with your brand, products and services, you can unlock valuable insights that drive effective marketing strategies to grow existing customers and win over new customers. Customer […]
Missed our webinar in partnership with eMarketer or need a quick recap? Dive into how AI and data science are changing customer engagement through hyper-personalization. Led by eMarketer’s Jeremy Goldman, this session spotlighted Intent HQ’s Chief Revenue Officer, Jonathan Woolf. Jonathan shared actionable insights, innovative strategies, and emerging technologies that empower businesses to connect with customers on a deeper level, all using first-party data in a privacy-safe way.