Q4 2021 Release Notes
Sometimes, the big stuff takes longer to deliver. So over the last few quarters, we’ve been busy behind the scenes working on some major releases. In Q4, 2021, we released the first of these.
We’ve super-charged our data ingestion to get 20x the data ingestion speeds of previous performance. We’ve also introduced new ingestion flows to both batch and streaming ingestion further improving throughput and automatic file ingestion.
More customer-friendly terminology incorporated in an expanded DSL language.
Automated schematics normalises a variety of number types into a consistent format before ingesting the data against that user ID by parsing phone numbers as CSV column types.
User support for specifying minimum string length requirements on data in CSV columns. Users can now specify Minimum Length on string CSV columns in addition to existing maximum length string controls allowing users to set either/both limits on string length.
Greater granularity of platform performance monitoring & analytics with the introduction of Grafana.
Real-time pipeline status notifications now available within the Platform Console.