The Great Competitive Paradox: Intent HQ hosts Think Tank for Telecoms CX Leaders
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At IQPC’s recent CX Telecoms Exchange in London, Intent HQ hosted a Think Tank session tackling some of the key challenges faced by Telcos today.
The packed-out session was led by our Chief Client Officer, Sharifah Amirah and our VP Global Sales, Dave Wardell. Delegates were challenged to assess how mature their organisation is in terms of Customer Intelligence. We discussed their organisation’s ‘readiness’ to support a Customer-First approach, and ability to win back customer wallet share from the FANG players.
Sparking a discourse about what Telcos are doing to tackle FANG companies stealing their lunch, Telefonica O2 shared insights into their customer experience strategy and how they are meeting current consumer demands. Dave explains more about the biggest problem facing telecom operators and the most common customer experience challenges in this exclusive interview here:
Telcos generate a lot of data. Therefore, it shouldn’t be news to any firm that the first-party data they collect on their customers offers huge potential to generate additional revenue for both themselves and their partners. A strong data monetization strategy can provide a valuable source of income, enabling you to offer your chosen partners […]
There’s more than one way to grow your business. But while efforts to tempt new customers away from competitors with enticing offers may take up the bulk of a telco’s marketing budget, focusing on the customers you already have can also prove highly beneficial. You’re already at an advantage with these people as you have […]
The marketplace for telcos is tougher than ever. So if you’re to thrive in an environment where customer demands are high and new, innovative offerings are always looking to persuade consumers to switch providers, you need to stand out from the crowd. To do this, an effective personalization strategy is a must-have. This plays a […]